6513 Showroom System (EvolSales) user accounts are now merged with Evolution, **during this update a merge/delete/new procedure will be invoked which requires client intervention.**
5324 Email Read/Open/Bounce/Click rates will be available in Campaign365 for emails sent following the update (and after minor config)
6317 The system invoice header will now be included on sales ledger and purchase ledger statements generated from Evolution
6513 The Showroom System (EvolSales) login process has been updated to improve support for multi-site environments.
6614 Removed ability to select a vatable type on MOT labour lines, an additional line will be created.
6704 Resolved a sporadic issue where switching between tabs causes access violation error in VSB
6811 It is now possible to complete a single Video for the entire eVHC, it is still possible to complete a video per eVHC line
7190 Campaign365 no longer uses MS Word for letters, this removes the need for MS Office on the server & significantly improves stability as MS Word Automation is not robust
7190 Removal of MS Word from Campaign365 allows it to run completely as a service, ensuring significant increased up-time
7334 Converted Evolution DX update procedure to FireDac Components
7589 Previously, transactions allocated on the last day of the month were not cleared from aged debtors until the next month, resolved
7826 VSB Creditor Accruals have been enhanced to also deal with RFL
7852 Added a column to the workshop loading diary to display where a service has been booked, in the same way MOT Booked is displayed
7856 The ‘Reason for Credit’ has been made mandatory on Aftersales Credit Notes
7963 Performance enhancements made during the confirmation step in parts GRNI
7974 Process enhancements made to the confirmation step in parts GRNI
7976 Re-added the ability to add a space to vehicle Registrations
7978 Improved the posting procedure of Automatic Allocations to ensure accuracy
7981 Updated User Security Profiles to ensure Vehicle COS posting cannot be posted to incorrect periods
7983 The main Evolution menu bar now shows the user that is logged in, previously it only showed the site
7984 The ‘Day Notes’ tab in the workshop diary now sows in red to make it more obvious that there are notes for that day
7985 Updated Polk feed as it was sending telephone numbers in wrong field in certain configurations
7986 Added the ability to manually reverse an accrual in the VSB, this then allows for a vehicle to be marked as ‘Cancelled’
7987 A bug has been resolved which, under certain circumstances, made some users unable to create new user records
7996 Resolved a bug where the VSB Deal profit did not always display Margin VAT until the Summary Sheet has been opened
7999 Updated the VSB feature to ensure the ‘Print Filtered Stock’ always displays the filtered results
8019 Improvements made to Vehicle invoicing roll-back
8021 Fixed a bug where finance commission might be displayed twice against to vehicle sale
8026 Improved the VSB Vehicle type change process to ensure no write-down adjustments remain the previous vehicle type
7288 Campaign365 logic filters to include ‘is null’ and ‘is not null’