How would you like your service advisers to work an extra hour for FREE, EVERY SINGLE DAY?
Over the next few months we’ll be helping you to understand how to get the very most out of your DMS and the next few issues we’ll be concentrating on Workshop loading and menu pricing. Driving Efficiency and Profitability Part 1 – Menu Pricing This month we’ll tell you how to gain an extra hour of time every day from each of your service advisers, OK, so they aren’t going to be AT work an extra hour, but you’ll get an extra hour in time saving everyday which is just as good! Evolution and Ignition have the ability to store in-depth specific menu pricing to allow you to build templates, menu pricing and fixed price servicing within the DMS. The benefit of this is being able to create estimates, diary bookings, job sheets, invoices and eVHC up-sells very quickly, uniformly and accurately. Best of all if you are already using the Workshop Loading Diary or Job Sheets section of the system then this functionality is available for you to utilise straight away. How does it work? Firstly you can set up Task Types which allow for grouping of your jobs. The grouping is customisable to 2 levels as per the example below and helps with quick finding and selection of the correct specialist job.

Once these are entered you have your specialist job and they can be added to a job sheet, diary booking, estimate and invoice with ease and in just a couple of clicks.
Can I filter these jobs by type of Vehicle?
Yes, you can be VERY specific about what vehicle each job is relevant too, so for example if you have a standard service but the price differs if it is a Manual or Automatic, or perhaps a Diesel and a Petrol then these options can also be assigned to the specialist job.

What’s more every time you go in to the menu pricing menu from a diary booking, for example, it will take the attached vehicle details and automatically filter out all jobs that are not relevant.
So, if you are booking in a manual diesel car and have a list of 100 menu pricing jobs, 50 of which are diesel jobs and 25 of those are for manual vehicles, you’ll only be shown the 25 jobs relevant to the vehicle you are booking in. Simple!
Is it really worth it?
You can try the maths yourself but, as an average we’ve worked out typing 3 lines of labour and 5 parts to a jobsheet takes 5 Minutes whilst adding a specialist job with the same info takes less than 15 seconds.
If you take 1 person doing 13 of these bookings/jobs per day that’s the difference between 65 minutes and 3 minutes 15 seconds. The difference between the 2 is our extra hour per day.
I have a hundred Jobs it will take up too much time to set all these up!
OK, so this might sound like hard work but think about much time is being wasted by staff manually doing this and how much money it is costing your business.
Using our magic extra hour each adviser and based on the current minimum wage (£6.50) that’s more than £1,500 per year per adviser.