Evolution DMS Release 2 2018 is now available

Please contact our support team on +44(0)1522 698 911 or log into the Raptor Support Portal to schedule the update.
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PLEASE NOTE: This update includes major enhancements to Evolution’s
eVHC module to streamline the up-sell process. For more info please
Download the Document or
Watch the Video
Case Fix/Change
7453 In
TechMate there were instances where ‘Job Work’ disappears from the clock-on task list on Technician’s Home, now resolved
7421 The FCA PRIM2 interface has been updated to include stock quantities in the daily feed
7213 It is now possible to filter vehicle stock by ‘New’ or ‘Used’ stock and by ‘Location’
7211 It is now possible to rename the label for service ‘Follow up 1′ and Follow up 2’ to user definable labels
7095 When an
eVHC landing page link is emailed to a customer, it is now recorded in customer correspondence
TechMate and
eVHC licence checks are now done more intelligently, giving minor speed improvements on first load
6963 When ‘Sealant Expiry’ is selected on the
eVHC app, under Misc Info, the print out shows Sealant Expiry instead of the tyre depths
6627 There have been multiple optimisations in Evolution Job Sheets to improve performance
5605 The
eVHC tyre pressure field length has been increased
4583 The location of the ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons within
eVHC App have been moved so that the keyboard doesn’t need to be minimised
Hotfix Cases released after the initial Release for GDPR
PLEASE NOTE: This update includes major enhancements to Evolution and its’ various modules to cover the GDPR changes. For more info please
View the changes here
Case Fix/Change
7184 Significant GDPR changes, for more info please
View the changes here
7505 Changes to make
eVHC hub open quicker on first load
7499 GDPR changes to FCA PRIM
7474 GDPR Changes to
7464 Improved compatibility with Android 7 (Nougat)
7406 GDPR changes to PSA CSI
TechMate DSA – Vehicle Check In
TechMate DSA – Vehicle Check Out
7303 It is now possible to limit number of times a customer appears as an opportunity in
7006 Resolved an error where Twitter images that were moved could cause issues with re-using a template in
5963 Jobsheet Warranty Splits has been improved relating to customer contributions