These are the previous releases (1 to 4) for Evolution DMS in 2014

Evolution Paradox 2014 release 3 and 4
Case Fix/Change
1109 Parts inventory management interface system (PRIM2/SPEEDER/SPRINT)
2084 Fixed issue where specialist jobs parts would overwrite the first line part rather than adding.
2126 Fixed issue where specialist jobs added to job diary would only add the first part.
2239 Fixed issue where specials jobs overall description of work didn’t transfer to diary bookings.
2301 Ford ESBOL/SARA interfaces have been added to database.
2434 Missing info on jobsheets has been added, engine number, MOT due date.
2443 Speeder pilot complete.
2635 Parts stock and aged stock reports now work correctly with FIFO.
3024 Changes to Polk and renault.Net interface config.
3102 Changed Visual Health Check to Vehicle Health Check.
3115 Fixed error in advanced specialist jobs when model had apostrophe.
3131 Ability to hide part numbers on Estimates only added.
3166 Can now add VHC upsell from Ecat.
3211 Fixed issue where parts kits added to estimates could overwrite parts already on the estimate.
3239 Fixed “Record locked by this session” error in parts stock.
3305 In missed up sell you can now press upsell if all checks are either upsold or have a declined reason.
3348 Fixed site name case login issue.
3376 Fixed PRIM2 connection issues.
3414 SARA/ESBOL – interface will no longer attempt to send an invalid email address. Expiry date fixed against vehicles for SARA.
3445 MMExports – fixed field RegNo not found error
3499 Stock orders adding part duplication issue fixed.
3503 Fixed issue where you couldn’t send a parts stock order from the received tab.
3508 Desired vehicles list error fixed. Type Mismatch for Field’CapLookup’, Expecting String actual Integer.
3514 Fixed the use of parts warranty cost on warranty jobs.
3524 Change to size of Speeder logs.
3534 Speed of VHC print outs has been improved.
3605 Fixed operation not applicable error in jobsheets.
3618 Fixed labour line spacing on service invoices.
3647 Email configuration now restricted to ‘system setup’ user accounts.
3652 Renault Catalogue codes now accept alphanumeric codes.
3655 System tray version of dispatch no longer maps a network drive.
3658 Fixed issue where franchised can reset to default when a vehicle is selected in the job diary.
3676 Fixed list index out of bounds in system settings (EEE)
3683 Fixed directory is lock error for Speeder.
3684 Fixed parts supersession error in stock orders.
3539 Improved speed when opening jobsheets
3540 Improved speed when opening the job diary
3547 Improved speed when creating and loading service invoices
Evolution Paradox 2014 releases 1 and 2
Case Fix/Change
968 An issue has been fixed where the on order qty would not increase for parts from Fiat PRIM.
2111 Using “apply filter” in parts stock could cause an inifinite supersession loop, now fixed.
2111 Pressing clear filter or apply on the parts stock filter would cause a supersession loop, now fixed.
2163 Vehicle type changes wouldn’t show until you left and re-entered the vehicle stock book, now fixed.
2163 Vehicle type changes performed wouldn’t show up in the type change log whilst you were still in the stock book, leaving and re entering caused them to show, this is now fixed.
2164 The incorrect site name was showing on parts barcodes, now fixed.
2164 Barcode prints from parts stock records showed the wrong site, now fixed.
2430 An error would occur when using the “order containing part” search on parts stock orders if you use a multi site system, now fixed.
2430 Using the “orders containing part” filter in parts stock orders caused an error, now fixed.
2440 On printed parts stock orders VAT would show even if there was none, this was a visual issue only and did not affect the accounts or total of the order.
2464 The excess nominal in jobsheets was editable even if you did not have the user right to do so, now fixed.
2464 Users with no permission to change nominals and tax codes will no longer be able to alter the insurance excess nominal in jobsheets.
2487 The re order at cost switch for parts stock orders did not work correctly, now fixed.
2672 The parts markup option in estimates did not work correctly, now fixed.
2694 The price file update routine would fail if a supersession loop caused a key violation, this will no lonfer be the case.
3013 A new switch has been added to allow multi line comments and headers on non Ford VHC printouts only.
3035 Warranty cost against parts was not being used on warranty jobs, instead the system was using last cost, now fixed.
3070 Running a price update changed the min and max levels on some parts, this happened when the part superceded to another part in the price file, it will no longer do this.
3096 When invoicing Renault.Net jobs the system would give a missing field error, now fixed.
3097 The program version number can now be seen from the “help and about” section.
3119 Renault.Net jobs would not produce a print preview when invoiced, they now will.
3193 Qty in stock and qty avail didn’t always show when adding parts to stock orders, now fixed.
3271 There is a new “Include in total” column on VHC upsells that allows the user tick which items they want to include in the total at the bottom for quick quoting.
3272 Qty available has been added to the parts section in the VHC upsell screen.
3298 PSA CSI feed now includes specific MOT data.
3298 PSA CSI now extracts MOT information seperately as part of it’s feed.
3306 Some work has been done to VHC comments to tidy them up.
3311 Access violations were occuring seemingly at random intervals, now fixed.
3311 Several access violations happening in Evolution when left idle, now fixed.
3314 The missed upsell button would appear when it shouldn’t, it will now only appear if it is useable.
3352 The reporting group on parts would not be carried over to the job on a VHC upsell, now fixed.
3353 It was possible to add lines of work and parts to checks that had already been upsold, this will no longer be possible.
3356 Discounts on parts from a VHC upsell were not working correclty, this is now fixed.
3365 Labour added to a VHC upsell from a comment on the VHC was impossible to be removed, now fixed.
3369 Access violations would occur when converting an estimate to a job, now fixed.
3369 An access violation would occur when converting an estimate to a jobsheet, now fixed.
3372 SIV has been added to the Deltapoint feed.
3378 Using CAP lookups would cause a key violation, now fixed.
3378 When performing a cap lookup a key violation would occur, now fixed.
3390 There was an issue with the seat count licensing in Evolution, now fixed.
3390 Issue where the system stated the maximum number of users was logged in when they weren’t, now fixed.
3410 Key violations were occuring in the job diary, now fixed.
3412 It was possible to invoice vehicles from a different site to the site you were logged into, now fixed.
3419 A grand total for checks now shows on the Non Ford VHC printout.
3421 A notes tab has been added to the VHC upsell form.
3435 An invalid date was showing on the VHC upsell form for last VHC, now fixed.
3461 There were certain conditions that caused the job diary option to be missing from the right click menu, now fixed.