The Evolution DX Update 1&2, 2015 is now available – Please contact our support team on +44(0)1522 698 911 to carry out the update.

Case Fix/Change
3680 A wizard has been added to the registration change function to make the process more simple and streamlined.
3794 The system would throw a closed dataset error in advanced specialist jobs under certain circumstances, now fixed.
3807 Customer email addresses now appears on the prospecting contact sheet.
4172 The ability to choose what date a type change on a vehicle occurred has been added to the system rather than defaulting to the current date for all car type changes.
4177 It is no longer possible to cancel a job whilst sublet is attached.
4189 It was impossible to delete user accounts from the system under certain circumstances, now fixed.
4226 Entering long reg numbers into the reg change box caused an error under certain circumstances, now fixed.
1193 Jobsheets now has a separate total for currently selected intervention.
1513 Interventions now permanently enabled with no way to turn them off.
1730 VHC Fitter ID has been removed from the barcode printout.
1770 Users can now customise the job status list and build their own list of job statuses.
3686 VHC upsells would lose items brought from Ecat if the user cancelled, now resolved.
3790 Limited font shrinking on VHC printouts.
3977 An error occurred when raising internal jobs, this stated the vehicle wasn’t stocked at your current site when it was, now resolved.
4187 Estimate prices were not auto populated when using tab key in parts, now resolved.
4211 Date field on VHC printouts were using job date instead of eVHC date, now resolved.
4215 Access violation error occurred when using the accounts config under certain circumstances, now resolved.
4285 When using a custom filter in mail merge exports the mail merge would not run at all under certain circumstances, now resolved.
Previous update release notes can be found