The Evolution DX Update 12, 2015 is now available
Please contact our support team via the
Raptor Support Portal or on +44(0)1522 698 911 to carry out the update.

Case Fix/Change
3808 It was possible to place and finalist a sublet order without a date, this is now not possible.
5213 Ford BCM importers were getting a “widestring” error message since the last update, now fixed.
4340 Intermittent problems with the registration change wizard stating vehicle is “already in stock” have been fixed.
5168 When clocking onto a jobsheet the program was sometimes giving widestring errors, now fixed.
4408 Parts overview in advanced specialist jobs was duplicating records in some circumstances, now fixed.
4520 If you transferred a diary booking the date required would also change, this will no longer happen.
5218 When creating a new parts stock record a widestring error would occur, now fixed.
4037 Showroom request acceptance can now be controlled on a per user basis.
4146 The “booked in for” field has been removed from the collection diary print out, the print out has also been tidied up.
4717 The system was crashing when opening the same form more than once (e.g. customer records) now fixed.
4549 Estimates when printed from vehicle records showed nothing, now fixed.
4649 The sublet order ID box was not read only in sublet orders, it now is.
4739 Returned vehicles were showing as stocked vehicles in Evosales, now resolved.
4893 An access violation error would sometimes occur when adding an over allowance to a part exchange, now fixed.
4891 Creditors terms were being blanked out when a creditors invoice was raised from Evo, now fixed.
4186 Manually entered parts will now ask the user to select a stock nominal upon creation to avoid potential posting discrepancies.
4911 The “sublet amount available to credit” was doubling up when certain actions were carried out, now fixed.
4529 The car sales report (real values) report was misleading with bonuses, now fixed.
4578 The jobsheet number wasn’t showing on jobsheet prints unless “Deliver To” was filled in, now fixed.
4474 Non Ford parts can now be used with Ford Ecat, the system will identity the parts with a # before them and will correctly obtain pricing.
4873 Attempting to change tabs after adding finance commission to a deal in the order builder would throw the error, now fixed.
3855 The formatting of the jobsheet print has been tidied up.
4781 The counter invoiced parts report and sales by person report were using different criteria and thus did not match, now fixed.
5055 Several issues fixed with deposits and transaction posting descriptions, now changed slightly to better fit the character limit.
Previous update release notes can be found