The Evolution DX Update 3, 2015 is now available – Please contact our support team on +44(0)1522 698 911 to carry out the update.

Case Fix/Change
1770 Enabling custom job statuses will have the original statuses keep their original colour, you can free type into the job status box, there are more colours to pick from for job statuses, custom statuses have been added to the job diary.
3855 Job and reg number have been made larger and bold on jobsheet prints and other areas. Font changes applied across the system for consistency.
4125 Totals weren’t always showing on the salesman stock report, now fixed.
4303 Parts stock reports didn’t match under certain circumstances, now resolved.
4313 When using the “change days hours” more than once on the same day in the job diary, the user received a violation of primary key constraint error, now fixed.
4315 Part exchange due in report added.
4316 It is no longer possible to invoice a vehicle sale when a finance amount has been entered, but no finance company selected.
4322 Markup % column has been added to the relevant grid on the work and parts tab.
4328 Now when entering the vehicles screen from jobsheets the reg number on the job is populated in the search box.
4330 The new repair totals section in the bottom right didn’t include non-labour charges, now included.
4331 When booking an MOT the system now looks for a labour type containing MOT from the valid list of labour types associated with the job type/franchise.
4335 Units were not always showing on the operative availability tab in the job diary, now resolved.
4338 The Service Plan Expiry date picker has been added to both vehicle records, and the aftersales section of the vehicle stock book. An ‘S’ for valid service plan has been added to the jobsheets and diary and clicking on it will show the expiry date in a popup.
4341 View tech hours button has been added to the “work details” tab in jobsheets.
Previous update release notes can be found