The Evolution DX Update 6, 2014 is now available – Please contact our support team on +44(0)1522 698 911 to carry out the update.

Case Fix/Change
3785 Fixed an error “List index out of bounds (42) when performing a block booking.
3833 Changed the system to reverse COS when crediting internal jobs.
3099 Fixed an issue where service invoices were unnecessarily spread over two pages.
3144 Fixed ordering of showroom requests in the job diary. The showroom requests would not show in time order like the rest of the diary.
3215 A new payment form has been added to the product, extra payment types can now be configured in the system settings.
3363 Fixed an issue where you couldn’t credit the VAT on an insurance job if the customer paid the VAT.
3411 Fixed several issues with the standard sales follow up letters.
3479 Product license keys are now controlled through a central module.
3649 Email configuration is now only available to master users, also the password fields in the email configuration are now starred out.
3704 Fixed some issues when using parts with surcharges in the diary.
3749 Manual credits are now shown on the Total Parts Sales report.
3883 Fixed an issue where the vehicle stock number is not attached to a jobsheet when the jobsheet is raised through the diary.
3884 The Profit summary report now shows finance commission for estimates and actuals.
3890 Fixed an issue where the Consignment Stock report did not show Gross Recon Costs.
3910 Fixed an issue where the system would error if you attempted to credit a recon job where the parts had since been deleted.
3913 Added the option for FTP pass-through so that the SPEEDER interface for Peugeot/Citroen can work on hosted solutions.
Previous update release notes can be found