The Evolution DX Update 6, 2015 is now available – Please contact our support team on +44(0)844 335 3914 to carry out the update.

Case Fix/Change
3214 “Stock no location” and “location & 0 stock” reports now can both be split by site.
3231 Retail price and internet price has been added to the aged car stock report.
3364 The “In progress vehicle sales” tab in customer records now only shows in progress vehicle sales.
3384 It is no longer possible to re-enable a cancelled vehicle.
3385 Removing the trade in from a car sale now correctly refreshes the trade in allowance on the order form.
3516 The services due report didn’t work under certain circumstances, this will now work correctly.
3528 The tick box for “not on salespersons list” in car purchase details stopped the car from appearing on the historic stock report, it will no longer do this.
3529 The speed of the historic car stock report has been greatly improved.
3560 Recon credits could be posted into an incorrect period under certain circumstances, now resolved.
4017 The VHC recalls due report wasn’t showing any data, in some circumstances, now fixed.
4385 Error handling when returning from Ecat is now better to stop issues when the labour is 0 priced.
4393 It is now possible to add non stock parts to a VHC upsell.
4394 Parts deposits were splitting into two if the customer reference had a space in it, now fixed.
4397 Adding a new part exchange would sometimes bring up an old part exchanges details due to an indexing issue, now fixed.
4398 If the user has not filled in a source of enquiry when creating a new customer in evosales the system will now move them to the correct tab when warning them that they need to fill it in.
4426 Amended several areas of the deal optimizer in evosales.
4432 Speed improvements have been made in the parts stock screen.
4469 Changing a franchise on a jobsheet did not always update the VHC template, it will now always update this.
4504 Exiting the diary would sometimes not release the lock on a jobsheet, now resolved.
4516 There is now a tab in the diary that allows the users to record notes for the selected day.
4547 Printing an estimate would sometimes cause an issue with the estimate totals, now resolved.
4560 Updating the bid price on apart exchange in Evosales did not always update the part exchange price on the order it was attached to, now resolved.
Previous update release notes can be found