The Evolution DMS Update 7, 2014 is now available with the below changes – Please contact our support team on +44(0)1522 698 911 to carry out the update.

Case Fix/Change
3127 Invoice number now displays on the bottom of all pages of an invoice rather than just the first.
3161 Where technicians appear they are now listed in alphabetical order.
3192 A new supplier wouldn’t show in the supplier drop down in parts stock until you logged out of the system and back in, now fixed.
3294 The historic stock report didn’t take into account type changes and would always show the current type no matter which date the report was run at, now fixed.
3347 The columns in estimate printouts have been changed slightly so they are less confusing.
3599 The “nominal” and “preperation costs” tabs in the vehicle stock book are now much faster to open.
4139 Stock number wasn’t being attached to jobsheets under certain circumstances, now fixed.
Previous updates release notes can be found