Evolution Nexus Post-Pilot Release 2019 is now available (2.1.1904.164)
Following a pilot period of 12 months, the Post-Pilot Evolution Nexus upgrade contains multiple bug fixes, a faster more robust database back-end and significant enhancements. This upgrade is free to all Evolution DMS, linking to Sage, users in a valid contract.
Please contact our support team on +44(0)1522 698 911 or log into the Raptor Support Portal to schedule the update.
Case Fix/Change
New Features
NEX-371 Added ability for Automated Evolution Updates
NEX-160 eVHC now supports multiple templates
NEX-146 Now possible to double click to add accessory to a deal
NEX-134 Allow the Costs to post to sage grid to be filterable
NEX-22 Mitsubishi Parts Ordering via DCS
NEX-14 Add user right for Deal Adjustments to be Read Only
NEX-448 Ford FSA & SARA are now using a centralised Web Service
NEX-377 Fundamental Changes to the JLR Feed to improve stability
NEX-162 added ability to mark an eVHC check item as ‘Not Checked’
NEX-161 Changed the database structure si that the size of eVHC table does not increase exponentially
NEX-142 eVHC Shared Code Cleanup
NEX-16 Job Number / Doc Number will now show on GRN in Parts Stock Orders
NEX-4 Updated CAP Logos in Evolution Nexus
Bug Fixes
NEX-640 Estimates – Issue creating diary bookings with spec jobs, resolved
NEX-605 Sage post showing transactions from 10+ years ago and posting, resolved
NEX-595 X is not a valid integer value > Estimates > Convert Estimate to Jobsheet, resolved
NEX-594 Car Sales Report – Query1: Execution failed: The operation could not be completed in the allotted time, resolved
NEX-592 Sage Post not sending some items over to Sage, resolved
NEX-552 Emailing estimate to customer sometimes sends wrong customer information, resolved
NEX-539 autoupdates require NexusDBConverters.exe to have a silent mode
NEX-536 Error opening SIV section ‘Cannot change type from Over allowance!’, resolved
NEX-490 Ford Parts Plus Report – Parts Invoice credits have been added to the report
NEX-463 Parts plus report shows incorrect figures, deducts vat from net figure, resolved
NEX-375 VW interface not downloading the Skoda file, resolved
NEX-350 Unable to export a report to excel, resolved
NEX-323 Customer email address doesn’t populate when emailing a sales order form in Evosales, resolved
NEX-305 Credit notes – Issues with negative lines from service invoices, resolved
NEX-304 Labour Discount lost on conversion from Estimate to Diary to Jobsheet, resolved
NEX-300 Renault Jobs – Report & Follow Up Dates tab, eVHC item list is not displayed, resolved
NEX-292 Raising a stock order was possible without a Supplier reference, resolved
NEX-285 (8127) Data Export – Selecting Source of Enquiry from customer records pulls the field from Jobsheet information, resolved
NEX-282 Saleman Stock Report shows no vehicles – Issue with Site name, resolved
NEX-220 No ability to prevent back dating of service credits, resolved
NEX-207 Owner Driver in Vehicles records changing to INTERNAL for VSB cancelled vehicles, resolved
NEX-206 (7673) Proforma will show ‘Payments Made’ if job number matches old invoice number that has payments on it, resolved
NEX-175 Emailing from Quickreport sends incorrect PDF, resolved
NEX-133 eCAT doesn’t display VAT on parts, makes quoting problematic, resolved
NEX-689 eVHC error: System has been illegally re-entered, resolved
NEX-686 Unable to use Part Number search under the filter stock, resolved
NEX-684 Error crediting Vehicle sale with a Part Ex attached, resolved
NEX-679 Creating new parts from stock orders doesn’t create the stock record, resolved
NEX-678 Errors while raising new vehicle records in Nexus, resolved
NEX-647 Labour Type Ordering upon selection, resolved
NEX-646 qryVHCHubData: Query execution failed: Operation could not be completed in the allotted time, resolved
NEX-645 Speed issues when selecting the ‘Add’ labour button in the Job Diary, resolved
NEX-621 Post Purchase to Sage greyed out on new vehicles, resolved
NEX-612 Further FCA change requests raised from the initial feed, resolved
NEX-611 FCA feed including vehicles that aren’t associated with the Fiat marque, resolved
NEX-569 Campaign365 Follow-ups – NexusDB: qryOverdue: Query execution failed, resolved
NEX-477 FCA failing to submit data – LabourSalesCredit: ‘EndDate’ not found, resolved
NEX-764 Tyre depths not showing on jobs or invoices, resolved
NEX-745 Tread Depths can ignore tread threshold and leave the check as red, resolved
NEX-743 New part numbers created in Parts brought in without order creates the part but doesn’t add the stock, resolved
NEX-740 Renault filename incorrectly adding WAR instead of BIR, resolved
NEX-737 eVHC Status not updating on job WIP screen regardless if parts and labour have been added, rejected reasons etc, resolved
NEX-719 Updating part prices: Table12: Field ‘Site’ not found, resolved
NEX-718 Error opening Stock Orders: Ambiguous column reference, resolved
NEX-716 Parts Auto Orders – Error tblAutoOrder: Field ‘Site’ not found, resolved
NEX-715 System hangs when searching for a parts stock order, resolved
NEX-714 Unable to supercede parts – tblPartsOld: Field ‘Site’ not found, resolved
NEX-713 Blank check names in eVHC Settings cause errors starting eVHC, resolved
NEX-681 eVHC Video Consolidation – No videos submitted, resolved
NEX-680 Error sending PSA CSI feed: System has been illegally re-entered, resolved
NEX-660 Some vehicles not posting to Sage, resolved
NEX-638 Workshop Invoice parts – Cannot be completed in allotted time, resolved
NEX-783 Improvemnt to Jobsheet speed
NEX-742 Service Invoice – Address alignment has altered, now fits window evelope
NEX-739 Updates to FCA Loyalty Logistix data feed
NEX-717 Carsales Report – Customer Stocklist doesn’t display all vehicles, resovled
NEX-711 Error sending Polk data – socket closed cannot receive data, resolved
NEX-676 Vehicle Stock Book filtering slow, now much faster
NEX-666 Date of Supply showing 30/12/1899 in diary if blank in custer record, resolved
NEX-476 Current Job Number isn’t updating once a different job has been selected – Resulting in the incorrect Job being displayed, resolved
NEX-433 Error sending IHS Polk data: Unhandled Archive Type, resolved
NEX-644 Improved Auto Updates to Kill Sagepost
NEX-874 eVHC Consolidation not reporting videos sent correctly, resolved
NEX-827 VHC Form doesn’t print out with the invoice, resolved
NEX-822 C365 unable to process the outstanding campaigns – Type mismatch (nxtDateTime <> nxtDate), resolved
NEX-820 Lock Time Out – Upsell/VHC Hub, resolved
NEX-807 Supplementary Invoice total isn’t being calculated, resolved
NEX-806 Blank record when change Vehicle Registration over, resolved
NEX-805 Sagepost – Create New Posting – Crashes system but does create the posting, resolved
NEX-804 Vehicle purchases not always posting to Sage, resolved
NEX-802 Parts Returns – Part Numbers and part information doesn’t appear on the initial Returns Note, resolved
NEX-800 Error with the SRUserMigrateNX tool during the latest version of the Nexus Conversion, resolved
NEX-675 Campaign 365: tblCampaign: DataSet not in editing mode, resolved
NEX-577 Unable to submit the PSA CSI – Host Key not verified, resolved
NEX-569 C365 Follow-ups – NexusDB: qryOverdue: Query execution failed, resolved
NEX-568 Key Violation – File Ptrans.nx1, Index NXSPRIMARY – Occurs when invoicing a job with a blank part number, resolved
NEX-548 C365 month/year date filters can potentially cause duplicate correspondence or skip it altogether, resolved
NEX-462 Technicians Invoices Report – The operation could not be completed in the allotted time, resolved
NEX-907 Changed autoupdates location to check AWS instead of gemini-systems.co.uk
NEX-897 Create a Gemini validation messagedlg to replace exception raised
NEX-830 Nexus slower than Paradox when opening a job from the Search tab, now resolved
NEX-776 Nissan feed failing, Error ‘No such file’
NEX-572 Renault.Net Jobsheet can invoice off in normal mode, then not feeding to Renault.Net EDR, resolved
NEX-466 Changed IHS Polk feed to populate deliver to phone number if deliver to is blank
NEX-439 Fiat PRIM Task not stopping after original run
NEX-425 Updated Nissan Invoicing feed to always include Email Addresses of customer