Evolution DMS CRM

Enhance your customer experience and boost sales with the CRM tools available within Evolution DX

Our integrated CRM is designed to provide your business with the tools required to efficiently manage the entire sales process, from initial lead capture to the final sale and handover. Allowing you to streamline your sales workflow, ensuring that no opportunity is missed and that customer interactions are handled seamlessly.

New digital leads appear in the CRM and can be picked up by the sales team, this means there is no more double keying of information from emails or web enquiries, it also means you’re able to track leads, their their status and their entire journey from start to finish.

With tools for generating PX appraisals, vehicle and finance quotes and creating order forms, Evolution DX helps you stay on top of every detail.

By managing all aspects of customer engagement, from initial contact to follow-up and post sale call cycles, in one centralised system, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your sales team. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives increased revenue by ensuring a smooth, professional, and company wide sales process.

Feature Overview
Lead Management & Tracking
Vehicle Quotations & Proposals
Online Finance Quotations
PX Appraisals and Valuations
Order Form Creation
Comprehensive Contact Management
Automated Follow-ups & Reminders
Customer Profiling
Vehicles of Interest & Lost Sale Capture
Email & SMS Integration
Website Lead Integration
CAP, HPI & Autotrader Integration
Comprehensive Management Reporting
.... and much more
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